
Begegnungen & Gemeinschaft


Hier findest du die nordländische Gelassenheit. Aber auch inspirierende Treffen zwischen Menschen. Unser bescheidene und warme Art ist eine geschätzte Charaktereigenschaft. Wir wollen Zeit miteinander verbringen, ohne Vorurteile und hier sind alle willkommen.

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We want company

A lot of people come to the High Coast to meet others who have the same basic values and interests as they do. Nature is a great backdrop and the conditions are perfect to create new memories and share old stories around the campfire. That campfire feeling is found in all meetings regardless of if they take place when hiking, boating or at a conference. We love people. It’s as simple as that.

These friendly exchanges can be witnessed in the destination’s accommodation facilities, along the hiking trails or in our many guest marinas – but also in more organised forms such as at our various outdoor and food festivals. Regardless of the situation, it is that friendly feeling of being around a campfire that we capture so well. You can choose your experiences yourself. Share them with a busload of other visitors, share them with your family, a friend or a group of friends. Or with Mother Nature. We are looking forward to seeing you here!


Zehntausend Jahre Landhebung

Zehntausend Jahre neuer Perspektiven