Bernard Gonzales
Bernard Gonzales
Bernard Gonzales
Bernard Gonzales
Bernard Gonzales

Bernard Gonzales

Herbarium Between fiction and reality, the exhibition explores plant life - moving and living to pressed and preserved.

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  • Rainy days

Stunden : Open during Nordingrå Konstrunda May 26-28. Then every Fri-Sat-Sun 11-17 from Midsummer to August 13.

  • Parkplatz


Sensitive to my surroundings, I try to apprehend its diversity. Plant life is my theme this year; its relationship to light, wind and water are obvious sources of inspiration. I also appreciate the efforts of botanists to class, analyze and conserve them as well as possible. The memory of Carl von Linné is never far from my mind as the latin names ring often like poetry.Bernard Gonzalez, an art teacher from the Auvergne (France).