Häggviks Gästhamn
Häggviks Gästhamn
Häggviks Gästhamn
Häggviks Gästhamn
Häggviks Gästhamn
Häggviks Gästhamn

Häggviks Gästhamn

Guest marina in Häggvik. There is a service building with shower, toilet and laundry room.

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  • Toa

Hamndjup: 3,5 m

Mooring: boj


3 kilometres away there is a kiosk. Guest places with electricity 130 sek/day, without 100 sek/day. In the service building there is two showers and two toiletts and usual kitchen equipment. Laundry 10sek. Distance to supermarket 3 km. To restaurant 500 m. 3km to the nearest village. Loans of bicycles for free. Open june-august