

Genealogy and local history research in seventy shelf-kilometres of documents dating from the 16th century to today. Primarily covering Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Västernorrland and Gävleborg counties.

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Opening Hours : Monday: 13.00-16.00 Tuesday: 9.00-20.00 Wednesday-thursday: 9.00-16.00 Friday: 9.00-12.00


There are archives from, among others, From county administrative boards, tax authorities and district courts with predecessors, schools, domicile, church archives, police, customs, lots and other state works. There are also archives relating to individuals, organizations and companies.

The National Archives also keeps the enrollment archives (IM archives) from all over the country. They contain documents relating to real estate, such as Team trips, mortgages and waitresses. There are actions mainly from 1933 until 31/5 2008.

The task of the National Archives includes exercising supervision, preservation and care, providing and making available this material.

The majority of the archive stock extends from the 17th century to the present. The total amount of archives in the archives is approximately 9 mil. Landsarkivet receives more than 45,000 requests per year. Most questions relate to real estate, public records, building drawings, data on income and property taxation, as well as information from the county administrative registers.