Nordic Skating

Ski on an ice-covered lake. In the High Coast there are lots of winter activities to do to discover the magnificent nature and the vast outdoor life.

långfärdsskridskor höga kusten

Ski on an ice-covered lake


A three-kilometre long trail is ploughed every winter on the ice on Bäckfjärden in Örnsköldsvik for the public to skate on. You can start at the beach Nyängets havsbad and Sommarhemmet. A smaller ice skating area for fun and games can also be found at Nyängets havsbad, plusa wind shelter and picnic area where you can barbeque or enjoy a packed lunch. You can find current information on ice conditions here.

In Härnösand an eight shaped trail is ploughed on Godstjärn lake next to Bondsjöhöjdens IP training facility. The trail is about 1km. Check this Facebook page for updates Fritid Härnösand, or contact Härnösands Kommun.

A trail is normally ploughed on Kyrkviken in central Kramfors. Check the Facebook group Långfärdsskridskor i Kramfors for latest updates.

Looking for other ice-covered lakes and sea? Here are some tips on great Facebook pages where you can talk to like minded people and get latest updates on ice-covered lake.


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